Summary Scalewatcher treatment

The demands for water treatment in Commercial and Industrial areas differ substantially from those of private drinking water systems. Therefore, our company developed unique Scalewatcher® models for

Here, benefits for Commerce and Industry can be numerous because of the high amounts of water used, investment of capital equipment, and especially the fact that the Scalewatcher® requires no chemicals or is used in combination with existing chemical treatment and is virtually maintenance-free.
Scalewatchers will resolve the adverse effects caused by calcification so that the pipework and equipment performance is maintained or even improved. All these points decisively reduce the operating and maintenance costs of water treatment.

Scalewatcher treatment will positively influence

Operation principle and applications

The technology was developed in 1988 in The Netherlands by a small but high-tech company, B & D Ingenieursburo BV, and since then patented in North America, Europe, and South Africa.

The treatment agitates charged particles in the liquid using electric and magnetic fields with specific frequencies and amplitudes, causing the naturally occurring crystallization of dissolved minerals in the bulk of the liquid to favor forming more crystals.

The Law of Mass Conservation says that the total mass of crystals must be the same before and after treatment.

Therefore, as Scalewatcher creates more crystals, they must be smaller and cannot grow to the size without the treatment, causing crystals to form with smoother surfaces.

Crystals with smooth surfaces do not readily adhere to pipe walls and flow with the liquid. The treatment prevents the forming of new layers, so old layers gradually dissolve by the sheer force of the flowing fluid.

The pictures show that the Scalewatcher treatment is also effective on water-containing silicates.

The scale of the ruler is in micrometers.


Fe2 converts to Fe3 by the treatment.

The formed Magnetite prevents further corrosion.

Bacteria growth

A laboratory in Germany, on request of B & D Ingenieursburo BV, inoculated chlorinated untreated tap water with a strain of bacteria to let it grow for three days.

Then, the same disk was treated for two days, significantly reducing the bacteria count, confirming the many field reports of less smell in evaporative condensers or cooling towers, and the disappearance of foam and biofilm.

Zebra mussels

Zebra mussels increasingly appear in the Northern hemispheres (climate change?). They clock up water intake from rivers or the sea. Chloride injection may control the settlement, which is hazardous and expensive. As the shells of the mussels consist mainly of Calcium, the Scalewatcher treatment must have an effect. And indeed, new mussels settle but cannot grow a shell so that they will die. However, if settled before the treatment, Scalewatcher cannot eliminate them. A test report is available.

In this cooling tower, the electrical conductivity went up from 320 to 1920 uS/cm and the TDS from 70 to 980 PPM within one month after the installation of Scalewatcher.

This indicates the capacity of the product to remove old scale layers and at the same time to clear the algae.

Industrial Scalewatcher equipment

Light Industrial units are available for pipes up to 50 cm (20")

Heavy Industrial units are available for pipes up to 250 cm (100")

All units come with a clear instruction manual, sufficient signal cable, and a test device to monitor the unit's status.

Optional is wireless remote monitoring of the output current on a dedicated website (free of charge), and phone app.

Not treated


Rust not treated




Silicates not treated

Not treated

Electric field

Silicates treated


Magnetic field

822 x

8430 x

Zebra mussels not treated

Zebra mussels treated

Waste water not treated

Waste water treated

Light Industrial

Heavy Industrial

Test device

CT not treated

CT treated
No algae, scaling or fouling

Customers in the Philippines.

National Power Corporation, NXP Semi Conductors, URC, Eagle Cement Corporation, GenOSi, RFM Pasta Plant, Gnri Chemicals & Resins Consortium Inc.,
Sapporo Products Inc., Cenmaco Inc., Jollibee Food Corporation, Euromed Laboratories,
Power Source Philippines Inc., Shoppesvile Greenhils Shopping Centre, Tiendesitas Shopping,
Philip Morris Inc.,